Polyethylene Basket for Garbage Entrapment
One of the new polyethylene products of this company is the design and construction of a garbage basket. Tadbir Novin Sazan Company is the leader and innovator of this project. So far, various organizations, especially municipalities, have used these products. Garbage baskets are used in streams, as well as in the inlets of septic tanks and grease-traps. These baskets increase the efficiency and performance of these products. Polyethylene baskets up to 4000 mm in diameter are made in different heights. Baskets can be provided with polyethylene frames. These baskets are available in two types of single-wall and double-wall.
Application of Garbage Basket
Polyethylene baskets are designed according to their volume and the weight of garbage collected in them. Obviously, the thickness of the basket should be able to withstand the weight of the garbage. Special hooks are also used to move and lift polyethylene baskets. Here, the hooks are welded to the body of the polyethylene basket by extrusion welding. Polyethylene garbage baskets are easily used in sewage due to their material. These baskets are also very useful in surface water streams. Baskets are very light and easy to move. They are very useful due to their lightness and easy portability. If necessary, you can change the place of the basket and use it in another place. Definitely, these polyethylene baskets will be used more in the future.
Most of the polyethylene baskets that have been made by this company so far have been in the sizes of 800 to 1400 mm, which have been presented to the customers along with the polyethylene frame. Some of the polyethylene baskets produced has drainage shafts according to customers’ requests. This part of the drain is filled with suitable drainage materials.